How to Pack Mirrors for Moving: A Step-by-Step Guide

Packing up and moving homes can be an overwhelming task.

Making the task even more daunting is the large mirror in your home that stares back at you, daring you to pack and move it without injury. 

Fortunately, there is a safe way to pack and transport that mirror.

We’ve created this complete guide along with step-by-step instructions and a few added tips on how to wrap mirrors for moving and pack your mirror like a pro.

Table of Contents

First Things First: Gather Your Supplies

Packing your mirrors using the wrong moving supplies or boxes will likely result in them ending up broken or damaged when they arrive at your final destination.

Ensure that your delicate mirrors make it to your new home in one piece by gathering these moving supplies:

  • Sturdy picture and mirror cardboard boxes with telescopic features – Picture and mirror boxes are meant for…
    • Storing
    • Moving; and
    • Shipping
    … fragile mirrors. Picture and mirror boxes are designed to envelop the entire object and can be telescoped together with another box to accommodate larger items. You can find these specialty boxes at:
    • Home improvement stores
    • Moving companies; or
    • Truck rental companies
  • Moving blankets – If you don’t have access to thick moving blankets, blankets or comforters found around your home will help you maneuver and pack your mirrors without the risk of scratches from or to the surface you’re packing on.
  • Packing tape and painter’s tape – Using the wrong type of tape will have you regretting your choice when you arrive at your destination. Durable, quality packing tape has a strong adhesive so that your boxes will stay assembled and closed while in transit.
  • Glassine paper – This is not your typical plastic wrap. Your valuable mirrors will benefit from upgrading to glassine paper. Glassine paper is resistant to:
    • Air
    • Water; and
    • Grease stains
    Glassine paper is specially designed to protect glass from blemishes or scratches.
  • Packing paper and/or bubble wrap – Don’t skimp on the packing paper and/or bubble wrap to fill in the spaces between your objects and boxes. This cushioning helps to keep your fragile items in place while in transit and can help prevent them from being crushed while inside the box.
  • Additional large pieces of cardboard – Adding an extra layer of structural support and protection inside the box along with the packing paper or bubble cushion will ensure items stay snuggly in place while in transit.
  • Corner protectors – Corner protectors do just what their name implies. Corners are vulnerable areas, and by protecting the corners of your mirrors you help keep them from moving around and breaking while inside the box.
  • Permanent marker – Don’t forget to label all your boxes. When everything is neatly labeled and easy to locate, you don’t have to go digging around to find certain mirrors when you arrive at your new home.

Even though all of these moving supplies and packing materials will help you pack your mirrors safely, no one will understand how to utilize them better than the professionals at Next Moving

Get a free quote from Next Moving today and find out how you can limit your risks and make your move safe and easy.

How to Pack a Mirror: 9 Simple Steps

#1: Designate a Suitable Packing Area

Before you begin the process of packing your mirror, you want to first set up a suitable packing area.

This packing area will help make the packing process efficient and safe. To get started, you’ll want to:

  • Clear off a large table or space on the floor with enough room to maneuver the mirror.
  • Place your moving blanket on the surface to act as a soft, thick cushion during the packing process.
  • Put a stack of packing paper or bubble cushion in the center of the area.

#2: Protect Your Mirror

Now that you’ve designated a packing area, it’s time to take the precautions needed to protect your mirror from breaking during your next move.

Lay down a piece of flat cardboard and add a few sheets of packing paper, large enough to cover the size of the mirror on your flat surface.

#3: Take Precautions Using the “X-Tape” Method

Pro tip: Taping an ‘X’ on your glass using painter’s tape from corner to corner will help keep the glass from shattering everywhere should the unthinkable happen.

The ‘X’ will also prevent any damage to the frame of your mirror.

If you want to increase your protection, you can tape horizontally and vertically along the glass in a grid pattern.

#4: Carefully Wrap Your Mirror Like a Gift

  • Place a protective layer of bubble cushioning, glassine, or both on top of the glass after you have taped your ‘X’.
  • Secure this layer with packing tape.
  • Remember the large piece of cardboard and packing paper you laid in the middle of your packing area? Carefully place your mirror in the center of the cardboard and paper.
  • Begin to wrap it from each side like you would wrap a gift, making sure the mirror is snuggly wrapped.
  • Wrap your entire mirror again with bubble wrap, making sure no part of the glass or mirror remains exposed.
  • Feel free to use packing tape to keep the bundle together as you wrap.
  • Finally, before you’re ready to pack your mirror in the box, add a corner protector to each corner of the bubble-wrapped mirror to provide extra protection to the vulnerable corners.

#5: Pack Your Mirror Securely in a Box

The size of the box is just as important as the materials and extra care you’ve taken padding your mirror. 

Be sure to choose a box that will fit nice and securely, but not too tightly. 

If you’re trying to pack a larger mirror, you will need to create a custom-sized box using two telescoping mirror boxes. To do this, you will want to do the following

  • Slide two box sections into each other.
  • Repeat this step with the other two pieces of the mirror packing box.

Now, you should have two large interconnected half pieces from the mirror packing box telescoped into one another.

You’re ready to pack your mirror securely in your box:

  • Slide the bubble-wrapped mirror into half of the mirror box.
  • Be sure to adjust the sides so that they are closely fitted to each corner protector.
  • Feel free to use added bubble wrap or wadded packing paper to fill any empty spaces.
  • Bind the first half of your bundle with tape.
  • Insert the second cardboard section from the top down.
  • The two half-pieces will meet in the middle. You can adjust the top section to a closer fit and add padding materials again if necessary.
  • Again, use a bit of packing tape to secure the second half to the first.

#6: Test Your Packing Job

Before wrapping everything completely, a shake test should be done to make sure there is no shifting in the box.

If you can, carefully lift the entire box into the air and shake it slightly. 

You shouldn’t feel anything moving inside.  

If something does seem to be shifting, add more wadded packing paper or bubble wrap into the box to completely immobilize the mirror.

#7: Tape and Label Your Box

If your packing job passes the shake test, it’s time to tape up your box securely using packing tape.

Don’t skimp on the packing tape.

Everything should be taped up tightly to avoid any damage during transportation. 

Finally, use a permanent marker to label your mirror box with its contents, as well as any useful handling instructions like “fragile, handle with care” on every side of the box.

To facilitate the unpacking process, you may also want to write which room in your new home the box should be moved to.

#8: Packing Your Mirror Boxes for Transit

When packing your fragile mirror box in the moving truck for transit, it’s important to place it standing upright with nothing nearby that can fall on top of it. 

Do not lay your mirror flat.

Laying a mirror flat on its back or its front will put too much pressure on the glass, increasing the chances of the glass shattering. Pro tip: Place your mirror behind a sofa that is up against the side of the moving truck. This gives your mirror something soft to rest against and it won’t move around too much during transit.

#9: Carefully Unpack Your Mirror Box

The best way to unpack your mirror is to keep it upright and in its box until you’re ready to install it on the wall. 

When you’re ready, slowly slide the mirror out of the box keeping it upright and paying attention to any possible broken glass.

A Few Tips to Consider Before You Pack Your Mirror for Moving

  • Don’t pinch pennies on the packing materials. Buying good, quality materials will save you heartache in the long run.
  • Consider moving your mirror separately from other items in your car or truck.
  • Avoid using packing peanuts for padding. Packing peanuts can shift around during transport and leave fragile parts of the item exposed.

Looking for more tips to help make your moving day successful? Worried about if your mirrors will survive your packing job? 

Why not save yourself the stress? 

The experts at Next Moving utilize the greatest technology and techniques in the industry to make your move

  • Easier
  • Safer; and
  • Quicker

no matter the size or the length of the move.

Need Help With Your Move? Next Moving Can Help You Pack All of Your Fragile and Precious Items for the Safest Possible Move

Does the thought of possibly damaging your favorite mirror and the accompanying seven years of bad luck make you cringe?

You won’t regret letting the pros at Next Moving pack and move all of your fragile and precious items.

In our many years of experience, we dedicate the time and energy necessary to plan your move down to every detail in mind including:

  • Supplies
  • Disassembly
  • Packing
  • Loading
  • Unloading
  • Unpacking
  • Re-assembly

With Next Moving, your next move is safe with us …

  • Small moves
  • Large moves
  • Long-distance moves; or
  • Moves just around the corner

you name it – we’ll be there to make your moving day easy and stress-free.

If you’re ready to receive your free moving quote, reach out to us today.


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